Simply about me.
a bit about me & why I blog.
To put it simply...I am here sharing bits of my life, hoping to touch yours.
From dealing with being abused as a child, being a young widow with four small children, getting remarried and becoming mom to a blended crew of 7, dealing with a wayward child, to being a way too young grammie raising her grandchild… I’ve experienced a lot in my life. I believe that using our past as an excuse for anything is wrong. I know that without the hope that I have in God, and the love that He has shown me, I would be lost. I believe God has a plan for each of us, and although I wouldn't choose to relive everything that has happened in my life, I believe God can use me to help others because of my journey.
The main focus of this blog is described below, but I am sure to share bits and pieces on everything from the practical and insightful to the fun
and frolicky
stuff of everyday life.
The main focus of this blog is described below, but I am sure to share bits and pieces on everything from the practical and insightful to the fun
and frolicky
stuff of everyday life.
so why am I writing this blog? well…
Because I have always had the perspective that I didn’t need to know why I have had to go through the uncomfortable things in my life as long as thru them I could reach out and help another.
Okay. That isn’t the only reason. I need you, too.