Pinned there, Done that!

Time for something fun!  Okay, so I have mentioned before that I am kind of a research nut.  Pinterest and me.... well, we were made for each other!  The problem is that I spend so much time finding cool things to make, cool things to do, that I never end up making or doing any of it!  

Time to make a change!
If I pin it, I want to do it....and share it with you!
Here is my latest Pin that I've actually DONE...

This.... is such a fun idea!  I couldn't wait to let Willow give her little stuffed animals a bath.  I did it exactly like Jessie at Play Create Explore did.
I filled a small bucket with soapy water, got a small bottle of bath soap for Willow to use to wash her "friends," and had the hose ready to rinse them when they were all clean.  Here are the photos from our little adventure...
Stuffed Animal Wash
And after all of the scrubbing and rinsing, Wee One asked for a towel.  She sweetly dried off and wrapped up (As best she could) her little friends one by one.  
Stuffed Animal Wash
Sweet, huh?
Have you Pinned something and actually done it?
I would love it if you would share!  

Notice anything different?

wee one and papa
Wee One and Papa...I LOVE how she always grabs his ears to kiss him!

Okay, I know I am not great at blogging regularly, but THIS TIME I have an excuse!!

I have been working on moving my blog from my last host to Blogger.  

Let me tell you...This is not an easy deal.  
It took a lot more time than I had thought it would.  It didn't help that I had at first decided to go with WordPress, but after moving most of my blog over, I found out that I had very little control over the hosted version of it.  
I don't like that.  
I like to be in control.

Sooo.... on to Blogger.  Hopefully this will make my blogging a bit easier and my life somewhat happier (Only because in at least one area of my life - I will be in control!! Well, sort of.)  

Sadly, all of the comments made by any of you that might follow my blog or actually read anything I write, are gone.  I really appreciate all of the input and support you have given me through your comments.  Please, leave me some love if you get around to it!  (It makes me feel a little less alone out here in the great www)


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